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Catch up with David

Dear reader, 

It's been a while, hasn't it? Trust me,  I've missed every part of this just as I'm sure you have, but I'm glad I could write again and have you still here for me to read what I have. Since my last post till now,  a whole lot has come up in the country and the height of it is the COVID-19 pandemic which has put us in a very difficult situation in the country.  But it's a phase,  we'll get through it. 
Within this whole period,  I knew I had to say something.  I've been feeling that itch everyday and today I've decided there are four basic things I wish to talk about. This article gives my heart to the surviving
youths of this era and I hope this advice helps you as you push through life. 

Start thinking productively. 

I've come to realise, that this situation is not actually a set back,  I see it as a turning point for lots of things.  What we see as suffering right now,  is just people trying to adjust to what the new life order has come to become. The truth is,  if you don't adjust with the society,  you would be left behind. I could remember when my parents were pushing me to acquire a computer skill,  a lot of people around me saw it as a waste of time. Today,  they're paying dearly to catch up; so you won't just be left behind if you don't adjust,  you may find it hard to catch up when others are already making progress. The world is in search of productive thinkers under pressure, people who think out ideas and blow up company profits positively. People who possess personal growth as a result of life changing ideas. 
One may ask,  how do I become a productive thinker? It's simple! What you feed your brain with, that's what you think about. You need to start putting more efforts into acquiring knowledge,  finding out problems and trying to understand what creates those problems and how you could solve it. Attend online and offline training that would earn you more knowledge about concepts that border your interests. Most youths today shy away from discussions that widens their depth of knowledge, we prefer discussions about frivolities that may just stand to gain us a brief moment of laughter and nothing more. Don't get me wrong,  I love laughter, but if you find a balance between educating yourself for personal growth and finding a good amount of time to catch some laughter with friends,  then that would be awesome. Probe some facts,  question some relatively wrong ideas and try to put it right. If you're wondering what all this can earn you, then it's a better life in all ramifications. Develop skills, this is very important. Skills make you better and more efficient at what you do. Put yourself to tests and compete with yourself to get better. 

Be contented

When the wind is enough to lift a paper,  the paper would fly up. When it's your time to acquire something,  as long as you keep working for it,  you'll get it; till then,  be comfortable with what you have. Kidnapping, armed robbery and ritual killings have spiked up in this era. These crimes are mostly carried out by youths and personally,  I tag the root of this problem to discontentment. Some ladies have also found themselves in the hands of ruthless men and fallen victim to lots of issues due to this problem; men likewise. 

When you lose your contentment, you begin to lose your value for humanity,  and this is how killing comes to your mind. Youths get discontented when they allow two, apparently vices, get into them:
1. Pride
2. Pressure
It's good to wish for a high standard of living,  but if you need this life to impress,  then to start with,  you don't deserve it. Humility is not stupidity,  so being humble doesn't make you less of who you are. Work to achieve a good life for yourself, your family and give out to people who aspire to have a good food on their table in a day. When you think this way,  it humbles you.  You would tend to understand you don't really need to pride over lots of material things, they're just there to aid you as you exhaust your lifetime. 
There's no pressure on you to succeed,  if there is,  you put it there! Success is defined by a person and no matter what your definition of success is, it's always that point in our lives where we can say we're comfortable with all we've achieved. With this it becomes clear to you that we decide how we succeed and when to declare ourselves successful; therefore the whole pressure is determined by YOU! So wake up every morning with a list of what you wish to achieve for that day,  work towards it and go to bed peacefully even if you didn't get it all done. 
When we build a lot of unnecessary pride,  we become pressured into achieving things to meet up with a particular standard we've created and this makes room for discontentment. Aspire to grow higher in life,  but be comfortable with where you are at the moment, this is actually a virtue. Depression has also been noticed as it has spiked up in the society recently,  leading to a consequent spike in suicide cases. Discontentment has also played a big role in leading people through this path in life. 

Stay legit

I cannot over emphasise the importance of this part of the article. You're broke, you wish to become rich, ask yourself,  how is that the fault of the person you wish to kill,  dupe or kidnap? Every action has its consequences, and I would rather bear the consequences of a good act than bear that of a bad act, at least my conscience would be clear. It's evil to take from another to build yourself, it's wrong,  no matter the reason you give yourself. Whatever you are going through without money,  taking from another will not make it better. Stop telling yourself you don't have a choice,  you would have lost your mother,  or your sister or brother, the person you're taking from didn't make the choice for your relative to be in that situation. There are lots of people out there without those relations you cry about, but they're not dead,  they still made something out of their lives. Some people were born and abandoned,  it's so bad they don't even know where they're from,  but yet they pull through. I don't come from a rich family,  but we had enough money at the time to save my dad,  but he still died. So it's not a question of who's dying, it's a question of what you make out of it, because death would forever be an inevitable reality. Keep your hands clean as a youth,  so as to have a peaceful old age if you get there. There is always another choice,  make that better decision of not hurting another person. 

Live healthy

Good feeding is something people neglect, probably because we now have loads of "food" out there. Not everything out there is good food, while a lot of a particular food can cause you damages. Being healthy is the only way you can toil with more efficiency. When you fall sick,  you're temporarily relieved of your duties,  even if your company doesn't do that,  you may have to do that so you could recover. Worst part,  you spend the very little you have on drugs, so why don't we learn things we can do to prevent growing unhealthy. We must fall sick once in a while,  so it's said, but good nutrition can keep you in a good shape in a long while. 
As much you would want to eat healthy, it also includes avoiding the wrong intakes that could cause damage to your organs. Excessive alcoholism, smoking, hard drug intake,  these things reduce your life span. We get to die one day,  but why get yourself there faster? When we get older and lose our youthful energy,  we start to realise some things were just not worth it. I had an uncle that once told me, "I used to drive recklessly when I was younger and wasn't married, but when I looked at the face of my first child, I knew I had more reason to stay alive". Don't do things that would shorten the beautiful time you could spend with your kids because you have enough energy to do them right now. A wise person does not think of the present only,  his actions are guided by what the future holds. 
Exercise has proven to become one of the greatest ways to keep a healthy mind and body. It's not just for losing weight, it's a wonderful tool to keep you completely strong and healthy. Engage in good routines and make out time for it, your mind would become more sound for productive thinking. 

Learn self control

It is important to understand that we decide how we feel in every situation, and losing control over our emotions may cost us dearly in life. Learn to control these things; 
I.  Sexual urges
2. Anger
3. Your tongue
4. Decisions 
Growth involves self discipline,  and to attain this you need principles. Your life should be a sound establishment worthy of inspiration, and people are inspired by how you can control everything you feel,  no matter the situation that surrounds you at that moment. A good mastery of self control would lead you away from rape, robbery, suicide, murder and even jail time. I would only make a sentence that would help you get through this problem; don't think too deep about an annoying situation,  annoying word or action. When we do this, we create a multiplied amount of depth to what this annoyance could mean and how it could affect us, it may not be as deep or as big as you're making it to be already.  Most times,  when our anger is gone,  and our emotions are under control,  we realise it was a situation we could have waved off and continued with our lives. Who knows,  we would have killed someone or ourselves before then. 

So darling reader, isn't it great you gave me this time to also advice myself? I believe in a greater person as I wind through this period of the world pandemic to the end, I believe this is my turning point for a greater future,  and so should you. Let's equip ourselves as we stay safe,  till my next article,  cheers! 
Remember to share your thoughts as well in the comment section,  thank you. 


  1. This is wonderful,I learnt a lot about contentment.Don't stop writing.

  2. Inspiring indeed..... Nice work

    Is there a more practical way to start thinking productively?

    1. I may not be able to exhaust the answer to your question here, please contact me on whatsapp, 08138192888, if you don't mind. I'll be glad to help out. Thank you so much.

  3. A didactic piece, advice-driven and pedagogic. Nice work, sir.

    People perish for lack of knowledge, knowledge hidden in paper.

    The paradox of the situation is that people who are subject to the matter are not the ones that are interested in unraveling written mysteries

    1. You've got a point brother! Thank you so much.

  4. Wow!
    I thank God u're finally back to writing 🙌
    The article is awesome 😘

  5. Good stuff man. Thanks for sharing.

  6. As it has always been: a cool meditated write up that I wish everyone has access to. Thanks for this added knowledge.

    In my contribution I would start with what Bishop Onah Godfrey of Nsukka diocese said about Covid 19. He said, "this virus has exposed all of us". The reason is that it is now clear that non of those people who claimed to have the solution to everything really had it, example the priests, pastors, and other men of God; the scientists, health workers, politicians etc.

    It is a humbling moment for everyone and a time for us to discover that our progress in any area of life is not really by how much effort we think make but because of God's grace and approval.

    If in this period we fail to reconnect to God having discovered that He is the only hope since all human efforts and strategies has failed then we are not being true to ourselves.

    Let us at this point check how further we have been away from God and start making sincere effort to reunite with Him again. Sometimes, truly opportunities really come but once.

    Thanks as we all trust firmly in God. Amen.

    1. This is another article right here!

      Thank you so much for this input.

  7. Hmmmm... So you are serious like this Uroko? This is so deep!

    1. I was also shocked at myself 😂

      Thanks a lot for reading.

    2. Keep it up. The world would hear u one day!

  8. This is fabulous ❣️
    My Favorite paragraph is the "Stay legit". Most people are now believing the Fact of 'lets get it either by hook or by crook'

    I learnt a whole lot from all the paragraph thanks, let me try to add exercise to my health living


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