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This Friday on Cupid...

Hello David, thank you for your platform, I am hopeful you can help me solve this issue. My story is not what you hear every day, and I don’t know if you consider people like me.
I am a sex worker and I don’t wish to bore you with what led me into this line of work. I am not proud of it, because no matter how much other ladies want to flaunt what we do and rebrand its reality, we sell our bodies which we should value the most, and that is the simple truth. It’s more painful because the price for our body is priceless, yet some sell as cheap as N500. Well, this is not what I am here to talk about.
I am a banking and finance student in a federal university, and I have been using this ‘job’ to fend for myself. Thing is, I met this guy and he is wonderful. In fact, he is a blessing to my life, he has been strong for me in every aspect of my life. He really loves me and is planning in earnest to marry me. I just realised of recent that I am pregnant for him, which is a huge surprise to me considering my line of work. It’s not in my nature to slip that bad, and now I am torn apart. Yes I love this guy, but I wasn’t ready to marry him. How am I supposed to tell him about my life? He won’t even spend two seconds with me. I am really thinking about abortion, though I’ve never done it before even as a prostitute. I am always very careful and now it scares me to hell. When I went into this business, I agreed to fornication, but murder was not part of it. I can’t let him go because I simply don’t believe I can ever meet another guy who I can bond with me like this one. He is the only person that ever made me enjoy real sex and feel like a woman on bed with a man.
What do I do? I am not myself any more. I can hardly sleep. I wait in anticipation, thank you.
                                                                                                                  From Anambra, Nigeria.

David’s thoughts…
Hey dear, you don’t know how happy I am that you wrote to me. When I opened this platform, I never expected to be entertaining a problem like this, therefore I must commend your courage to speak up.
It is true you are a sex worker and not proud of what you do, but who you really are never left you, and for that you should be extremely grateful. You’re a good lady with a conscience and I strongly believe a tiny part of you knows exactly what to do. I think you are seeking for two things;
1. A reason to embark on that journey, considering all you stand to lose.
2. An affirmation that you will smile at the end of the road.
Let’s start with the first issue, you remember when I said something about not losing who you are?  The real you is calling you back, she’s been calling, but you’ve not been listening. Now she is using this situation as a loud speaker to gain your attention. I believe you’re right about one thing, this guy in your life is truly a blessing, and it’s up to you how much of the blessings he is carrying, you’re willing to accept. Being pregnant at this point seems to make things more complicating, but I think it’s just the view you decide to see it from. I pity many young ladies who walk into abortion because they believe pregnancy is the worst thing they could ever face, you’re only compounding your problems. I believe if you’re given the chance of a better life, you’re going to take it. I may not know the reason why you chose what you do, but I know it won’t be a choice to consider if you were in better shoes. But I think you fail to realise you’ve just been handed a better life, question is, do you have the courage to take it. If you believe your man is a blessing as you said, then I think he deserves to know the truth. You can’t hide it forever. Tell him your story and let that wonderful being father your child. You need a reason? That baby is a reason, I see it as your turning point. Let that child change your story, let it create a new being in you, let it redirect you to your real self. The societal pressure and shame would only last for a while, but your conscience would never hunt you. One day, the same tongues that spoke wrongs about you would say well about you and you also have the bonus of a beautiful child which would always be your bundle of joy.
And for an affirmation, I can never guarantee you two things; that your man would stay after hearing the truth and that it would be easy even if he doesn’t go away. When you make mistakes in life, you have to work your way back to the right path. It’s never easy retracing those steps, but the earlier you start your journey back the better for you, for the more you walk deeper into your mistakes, you lengthen your journey back.
So my advice dear one, I think you should tell him, I think you should keep that baby. Lastly, you don’t deserve to keep up that ‘job’, you can do better. If you have the time and energy for a prostitution job, then I think you can do another one which would not even cost you as much time and energy, but yet grant you the money you seek, decency, a free conscience and a better life. If you still remember how to pray and you believe in it, I think this is the moment you need it the most.
Thank you for choosing Cupid, God bless you.

See you next Friday on Cupid... 

You can visit and follow my social media handles on Facebook (Godfrey Chuks), Facebook page (David's Mind), Twitter (@davidsmindset) and Instagram (@davidsmind_official), to drop your own views. Remember to use #cupidwithdavid #cupid. 

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  1. Dear David, it's quite amazing how you offer suiting words to downtrodden situations of your followers. Thanks for giving the writer a hope for a better life by your advice and admonitions.

    My dear(Girl), I urge you to have only one option and which is to speak the truth. You have your problem half solved by speaking out to someone to advice you. Continue to speak the truth till the last moment if you want to achieve a better life. Mind you that most children in that category are usually great children.
    Besides, there is this tiny voice in you offering the best solution to your situation, please listen to it. That's your spirit man and directs your path rightfully.

    Like David has said, trace your path back to gain a new life. Never mind what people will say. Those of their words have nothing to do with your destiny. Your happiness and joy lies in your hands.

  2. Nice advice from David.
    Dear lady, the path to this wonderful future lies before you, it's left you muster courage and walk through.
    You'll have to share your story with your man but pray for divine wisdom on how to go about it.
    Tell him this is your turning point and you need his and God's assistance to come out of this valley.
    If he is your Man God will touch his heart and you will be healed indeed.


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