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Diarrhoea of the Mouth

One may wonder what this topic “The diarrhoea of the mouth” is all about since the word “DIARRHOEA” is health related. Firstly, I would love to take a look into the definition of the word “DIARRHOEA”

Diarrhoea is having loose and watery stools frequently in a day. It is acute when it lasts for 2 or 3 days. In this case, the individual has no control over it.

The diarrhoea is a health condition of the mouth. It is when an individual has no control over the things that comes out of his/her mouth.

The diarrhoea of the mouth is a disease suffered by many persons in our society. This health condition is one which allows most persons to say/utter words anyhow from their mouths. The mouth was made by God so that through it He (GOD) might be glorified; blessings and life giving words might be said out of it.
 Generally, a person having diarrhoea of the mouth is referred to as a “talkative” in the Nigerian society.
Being a talkative does more harm than good to any individual. You tend to say things anyhow both what you know and what you don’t know.
So many people, in the process of talking, have said so many things much more than they know and some of these things they have said have in one way or the other destroyed  homes, destinies, careers, marriages, friendship,
When people try to find the reason why man talks too much than what is expected of him, they realize the following reasons viz;

  • Most persons talk too much just for the fun of it: having the tongue in the mouth has given many people the mindset that the mouth is just for talking, and in their own understanding, talking means anything that comes into the mind whether thoughtful or not, heartbreaking or not, developing or not. Sometimes the group of persons that fall into this category sooner than later realizes their mistakes but this happens only when the harm has been done. 
  • Most persons talk too much just because they think it is something associated with their gender; gender has always been used as a basis for judging the group that talks the most. This gave rise to the notion that the women talk way more than the men and therefore came the saying that the power of a woman lies in her mouth. Actually, the power of every living being lies in the mouth but most women, taking it as a full time job, talk more than the men. This does not cancel the fact that we have a lot of Gossips these days as men. 
  • Some persons talk because it is part of their job; talking as a tool for conveying information can be found in our presenters. These people talk too much because it is part of their profession. It is an important characteristic of a communicator because their job has permitted them to. They talk to convey information and would not be judged as talkatives. 

People who talk much have these things in common.

  • They do not listen- communication can never be complete without the other party listening and grasping what the conveyer has in stock. Listening is the first step to communication “when you are not a good listener, then you are a good talker”. When people talk, they should give room to listen to themselves and whoever is around them (i.e. whoever is in their company) because it is never all about us. We talk too much forgetting that maybe the other person just wants you to listen and understand the story they have to share too.
  • They talk about themselves too much; a lot of people talk about their selves the whole time. If given 30 minutes to chat with a friend and he/she spend 25 minutes talking about his/hersefr, such a person is a talkative. “Do not always sing your praises yourself, let others do that for you”. Some persons consciously or unconsciously do this when they see a friend after a long time, when meeting a friend for the first time and when they run out of tips. If you fall into this category of persons, learn to appreciate silence.
  • They do not understand the chemistry of moods and expressions in communication; Communication is a two way thing. When one talks, take note of the mood of the second person and expressions that follow whether they are comforting, encouraging, sad, disturbed or uninterested.  When we talk too much, we never get to know what the other person feels or thinks because they are never given the time to express themselves and share a part of their own story. A talkative is only self-conceited and does not know much about feelings and self-expressions.
  • They lack self control; it narrows down to self-control.  Without self-control, everything goes amiss in a persons life. We blab and gossip a lot because the guard that was put on the tongue has been let loose and this happens because of lack of self-control. Learn to have control over your tongue.

Know when to speak; Know what to say, everything is not discuss-able. Learn to be secretive and stingy with words sometimes. Again, learn how to say it, don't let words loose their value from your lips.
Learn to listen without interruption.
Learn to ask questions.
Learn to converse more with family and friends.
Encourage others to talk in a discussion (group or casual).
Give yourself time to process your thoughts.

 On a final note, I want to remind us that great people have one thing in common which is the policy of talk less, think more and act more. They learned to listen more and care more for people around them and gave no attention to idle talks. They discovered the peace and treasure in control over the tongue.
We all should be soft and cultured in communicating rather than rash and eager to say things in the rush of a second.

Thank you for your time 😊

Written by the winner of David's Young Writers season one ... Attah Blessing  


  1. This is really interesting. How I wish the women will have time to gonthrough this. Instagram and social media brotjera has eroded reading culture in the lives of men and and especially women.
    Good piece. Keep it up.

  2. Wow I love this inspiration dear
    May you be inspired to write more

  3. Wao! This is absolutely great!


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