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Forever Lessons

Dear reader,  Been a while yea? I've missed doing this too, but between planning to get married and eventually getting married, a lot has really happened. These things kept me off writing for a while and I can't tell you enough how hard that was for me. But here I am, ready to serve you another dish of beautiful words succinctly put together to appeal to both your digest and inspiration.  In 2018, I wrote an article titled David Weds , it was an article where I tried to relay my dream plan for my dream wedding with my supposed wife. 😆 I tried to inspire young minds who have not thought of marriage in the way I did and as well, I figured I could encourage those who have already found themselves in the process.  Today I'm 30! And yes I'm married! 😍 The wedding was memorable and my wife is everything I wished for and more! Congratulations, I know, thanks a bunch! 😊  So did my plan work? How did I do it? It's a lot to talk about if I were to answer these questions, s
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I plead guilty

There's a young man I know who happened to tell me a story. He said, when he was young, he had a help leaving with them growing up.  This help was always the one who bathed all of them as children,  and whenever it got to his turn,  he'd tell the rest of the kids to go and put on pomade on their body while she's left alone with him in the bathroom.  Once others were gone,  she'd remove her skirt and pull down her pants,  then take his penis and push it into her vagina. Thing is,  as small as he was,  he never understood what he was doing,  but when this acts continued, he started getting used to it and he started enjoying it the more. Before he knew what he was doing,  he went from nodding to,  "don't tell mummy" to being the one to tell the other siblings, "go and rub pomade". Within years of doing this,  he got very addicted to the act,  so much that when the help later left the house,  he almost ran crazy mentally. As he approached puberty,  i

This Friday on Cupid

Hello David,  I understand people don't use names when writing to you,  so just call me Kay. I'm not sure if I'm complaining as much,  but any help you offer would not be denied. The main purpose of writing to you is because I wish to share my story for everyone to really hear, and at the end, I need some advice on what to do. Some people think they have problems, enough to die for,  but I hope mine changes their heart. My sad story started when I was 15 years old, my mother died in an accident as she was travelling home (Kogi) from buying goods at Enugu. We were just two and my younger brother was 9 years at the time. After this tragedy,  my brother was taken to leave with my aunt and I was left alone with my dad. The loss of my mum got into my dad a whole lot and affected him mentally, we thought it was something we could deal with but after some months,  he went really wild. Everybody stared to abandon him to this sickness, but I loved him a lot and I stayed with him, th

Catch up with David

  Dear reader,  It's been a while, hasn't it? Trust me,  I've missed every part of this just as I'm sure you have, but I'm glad I could write again and have you still here for me to read what I have. Since my last post till now,  a whole lot has come up in the country and the height of it is the COVID-19 pandemic which has put us in a very difficult situation in the country.  But it's a phase,  we'll get through it.  Within this whole period,  I knew I had to say something.  I've been feeling that itch everyday and today I've decided there are four basic things I wish to talk about. This article gives my heart to the surviving youths of this era and I hope this advice helps you as you push through life.  Start thinking productively.   I've come to realise, that this situation is not actually a set back,  I see it as a turning point for lots of things.  What we see as suffering right now,  is just people trying to adjust to what the new life order

This Friday on Cupid...

Hi David, I am 30 years and from Cross River state. I want to firstly thank you for this platform you have and I am hoping it would remedy my problem. I met this guy when I was still working in a company different from where I am now. This guy is wonderful, he is everything I need in a guy. I was having issues with my former place of work and he was the one who got me where I am working now which pays me better. I am 30, which makes it obvious that I have been having difficulties getting a husband. This issue makes me have sleepless nights, but this guy has given me some hope at least. Last two weeks, I realised I felt different health wise and I decided to go for a check-up. I discovered I am pregnant. I was shocked as he uses a CD each time, but yet this happened. I went ahead to tell him and at first he was trying to make sure I didn’t have anything to do with another person. But after he now told me what scattered my brain. Do you know that all this while, this man had a wi

This Friday on Cupid...

Hello David, thank you for your platform, I am hopeful you can help me solve this issue. My story is not what you hear every day, and I don’t know if you consider people like me. I am a sex worker and I don’t wish to bore you with what led me into this line of work. I am not proud of it, because no matter how much other ladies want to flaunt what we do and rebrand its reality, we sell our bodies which we should value the most, and that is the simple truth. It’s more painful because the price for our body is priceless, yet some sell as cheap as N500. Well, this is not what I am here to talk about. I am a banking and finance student in a federal university, and I have been using this ‘job’ to fend for myself. Thing is, I met this guy and he is wonderful. In fact, he is a blessing to my life, he has been strong for me in every aspect of my life. He really loves me and is planning in earnest to marry me. I just realised of recent that I am pregnant for him, which is a huge surprise to

This Friday on Cupid…

Hi David, I am a teacher in a secondary school and I am 29. I have a business of making shoes and I run it myself. When I get back from work, I open my shop and start working. Little by little I have been able to get a place of my own and cannot beg for food at least. I have a girlfriend who is so beautiful and loving. I am planning on getting married to her, nothing in this world can stop it, well so I thought. We have only one problem, my profession. See, I have passion for teaching and that is the only thing I believe I can do so well. I love young children and grooming them. But my girlfriend keeps saying she can never marry a teacher. I got an offer from my uncle to come work in a bank, but I turned him down. When I told my girlfriend about it, she ran crazy, she went berserk. She couldn’t understand why I would turn down a lucrative job so we would marry as poor people. There is nothing my girlfriend has asked me for that I have never provided, why would she call me a poor