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Showing posts from October, 2018

Diarrhoea of the Mouth

One may wonder what this topic “The diarrhoea of the mouth” is all about since the word “DIARRHOEA” is health related. Firstly, I would love to take a look into the definition of the word “DIARRHOEA” WHAT  IS DIARRHOEA ? Diarrhoea is having loose and watery stools frequently in a day. It is acute when it lasts for 2 or 3 days. In this case, the individual has no control over it. WHAT THEN IS “THE DIARRHOEA OF THE MOUTH”? The diarrhoea is a health condition of the mouth. It is when an individual has no control over the things that comes out of his/her mouth. The diarrhoea of the mouth is a disease suffered by many persons in our society. This health condition is one which allows most persons to say/utter words anyhow from their mouths. The mouth was made by God so that through it He (GOD) might be glorified; blessings and life giving words might be said out of it.  Generally, a person having diarrhoea of the mouth is referred to as a “talkative” in the Nigerian society...

Acrimony Digest

I was filled with so much emotions just as you were at the end of the movie, “Acrimony”. I ended up clueless with a million questions running through my head. I had to resee……… and resee. Oh! And after two weeks I saw it again. It was at this point the clues in the movie started becoming clear. I am not sure what made you click to read but I promise your time would be worthwhile.  The story in the movie was a somewhat one-sided story told by a DERANGED woman. Deranged was synonymously described by the Tyler Perry with words like insane, mad, disturbed, unbalanced, unhinged, unstable, irrational, crazed, demented. These words all point towards an extreme psychological imbalance and anchor the reason why she used a callous language in telling the story. The story was also a bit one-sided like I said earlier; this is because we never saw the whole story from Robert’s perspective. What could have informed some of Robert’s actions? What did he feel throughout the story? Or was h...