One may wonder what this topic “The diarrhoea of the mouth” is all about since the word “DIARRHOEA” is health related. Firstly, I would love to take a look into the definition of the word “DIARRHOEA” WHAT IS DIARRHOEA ? Diarrhoea is having loose and watery stools frequently in a day. It is acute when it lasts for 2 or 3 days. In this case, the individual has no control over it. WHAT THEN IS “THE DIARRHOEA OF THE MOUTH”? The diarrhoea is a health condition of the mouth. It is when an individual has no control over the things that comes out of his/her mouth. The diarrhoea of the mouth is a disease suffered by many persons in our society. This health condition is one which allows most persons to say/utter words anyhow from their mouths. The mouth was made by God so that through it He (GOD) might be glorified; blessings and life giving words might be said out of it. Generally, a person having diarrhoea of the mouth is referred to as a “talkative” in the Nigerian society...
Here is a platform where I state my thoughts about trending issues... You get to hear my voice which tends to give a more comprehensive information on the subject matter. I could quote a higher professional on any occasion, but I would do well to recognise the work on the course of my write ups.