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Showing posts from 2022

Forever Lessons

Dear reader,  Been a while yea? I've missed doing this too, but between planning to get married and eventually getting married, a lot has really happened. These things kept me off writing for a while and I can't tell you enough how hard that was for me. But here I am, ready to serve you another dish of beautiful words succinctly put together to appeal to both your digest and inspiration.  In 2018, I wrote an article titled David Weds , it was an article where I tried to relay my dream plan for my dream wedding with my supposed wife. 😆 I tried to inspire young minds who have not thought of marriage in the way I did and as well, I figured I could encourage those who have already found themselves in the process.  Today I'm 30! And yes I'm married! 😍 The wedding was memorable and my wife is everything I wished for and more! Congratulations, I know, thanks a bunch! 😊  So did my plan work? How did I do it? It's a lot to talk about if I were to answer these questions, s